README for RIF node.js database test harness

Node Installation

Install topojson

Not required at present

Then install topojson through npm: npm install topojson

C:\Users\pch\AppData\Roaming\npm\topojson.cmd -q 1e6 -o test_6_geojson_test_01.json ..\psql_scripts\test_scripts\data\test_6_geojson_test_01.json
bounds: -6.68852598 54.6456466 -6.32507059 55.01219818 (spherical)
pre-quantization: 0.0404m (3.63e-7�) 0.0408m (3.67e-7�)
topology: 160 arcs, 3502 points
prune: retained 160 / 160 arcs (100%)

Install Postgres connectors pg and pg-native


P:\Github\rapidInquiryFacility\rifDatabase\Postgres\psql_scripts>npm install pg pg-native
> libpq@1.6.4 install P:\Github\rapidInquiryFacility\rifDatabase\TestHarness\db_test_harness\node_modules\pg-native\node_modules\libpq
> node-gyp rebuild

P:\Github\rapidInquiryFacility\rifDatabase\TestHarness\db_test_harness\node_modules\pg-native\node_modules\libpq>node "c:\Program Files\nodejs\node_modules\npm\bin\node-gyp-bin\\..
\..\node_modules\node-gyp\bin\node-gyp.js" rebuild
Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build, please add the "/m" switch.
p:\github\rapidinquiryfacility\rifdatabase\testharness\db_test_harness\node_modules\pg-native\node_modules\libpq\src\addon.h(27): warning C4005: 'THIS' : macro redefinition [P:\Gi
          C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\include\objbase.h(206) : see previous definition of 'THIS'
p:\github\rapidinquiryfacility\rifdatabase\testharness\db_test_harness\node_modules\pg-native\node_modules\libpq\src\addon.h(27): warning C4005: 'THIS' : macro redefinition [P:\Gi
          C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\include\objbase.h(206) : see previous definition of 'THIS'
p:\github\rapidinquiryfacility\rifdatabase\testharness\db_test_harness\node_modules\pg-native\node_modules\libpq\src\addon.h(27): warning C4005: 'THIS' : macro redefinition [P:\Gi
          C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\include\objbase.h(206) : see previous definition of 'THIS'
..\src\ warning C4267: 'initializing' : conversion from 'size_t' to 'int', possible loss of data [P:\Github\rapidInquiryFacility\rifDatabase\TestHarness\db_test
C:\Users\pch\.node-gyp\0.10.36\deps\v8\include\v8.h(179): warning C4506: no definition for inline function 'v8::Persistent<T> v8::Persistent<T>::New(v8::Handle<T>)' [P:\Github\rap
C:\Users\pch\.node-gyp\0.10.36\deps\v8\include\v8.h(179): warning C4506: no definition for inline function 'v8::Persistent<T> v8::Persistent<T>::New(v8::Handle<T>)' [P:\Github\rap
C:\Users\pch\.node-gyp\0.10.36\deps\v8\include\v8.h(179): warning C4506: no definition for inline function 'v8::Persistent<T> v8::Persistent<T>::New(v8::Handle<T>)' [P:\Github\rap
     Creating library P:\Github\rapidInquiryFacility\rifDatabase\TestHarness\db_test_harness\node_modules\pg-native\node_modules\libpq\build\Release\addon.lib and object P:\Github
  Generating code
  Finished generating code
  addon.vcxproj -> P:\Github\rapidInquiryFacility\rifDatabase\TestHarness\db_test_harness\node_modules\pg-native\node_modules\libpq\build\Release\\addon.node
pg@4.2.0 node_modules\pg
+-- packet-reader@0.2.0
+-- pg-connection-string@0.1.3
+-- buffer-writer@1.0.0
+-- generic-pool@2.1.1
+-- pg-types@1.6.0
+-- semver@4.2.0
+-- pgpass@0.0.3 (split@0.3.3)

NPM (Node package manager) Make integration

Make targets

The Makefile will building the requiored Node.js modules

Test Harness Design

The dsatabase layer test harness is driven by two tables:

The rif40_test_harness.parent_test_id column is used to create a series of chained tests within a single transaction. Tests cannot be shared by multiple transactions; this would require the rif40_test_harness to be split into a further rif40_test_harness_runs.


Column Type Modifiers Description
test_id integer not null default (nextval( ‘rif40_test_id_seq’::regclass ))::integer Unique investigation index: test_id. Created by SEQUENCE rif40_test_id_seq
parent_test_id integer   Parent test ID; NULL means first (test statement). Allows for a string of connected test cases. Multiple inheritance of test cas es is not permitted!
test_run_class character varying not null Test run class; usually the name of the SQL script that originally ran it
test_stmt character varying not null SQL statement for test
test_case_title character varying not null Test case title. Must be unique
pg_error_code_expected character varying   [negative] Postgres error SQLSTATE expected [as part of an exception]; passed as PG_EXCEPTION_DETAIL
mssql_error_code_expected character varying   Microsoft SQL server error code expected [as part of an exception].
raise_exception_on_failure boolean not null default true Raise exception on failure. NULL means it is expected to NOT raise an exception, raise exception on failure
expected_result boolean not null default true Expected result; tests are allowed to deliberately fail! If the test raises the expection pg_error_code_expected it would normally be expected to pass.
register_date timestamp with time zone not null default statement_timestamp() Date registered
results text[]   Results array
results_xml xml   Results array in portable XML
pass boolean   Was the test passed? Pass means the test passed with no exception if the exception is null or if the exoected exception was cau ght. Note that some tests do fail deliberately to test the harness
test_run_id integer   Test run id for test. Foreign key to rif40_test_runs table.
test_date timestamp with time zone   Test date
time_taken numeric   Time taken for test (seconds)
pg_debug_functions text[]   Array of Postgres functions for test harness to enable debug on


Foreign-key constraints:

Referenced by:


Column | Type | Modifiers | Description ——-|——|———–|———— test_run_id | integer | not null default (nextval( ‘rif40_test_run_id_seq’::regclass ))::integer | Unique investigation index: test_run_id. Created by SEQUENCE rif40_test_run_id_seq test_run_title | character varying | not null | Test run title test_date | timestamp with time zone | not null default statement_timestamp() | Test date time_taken | numeric | not null default 0 | Time taken for test run (seconds) username | character varying(90) | not null default “current_user”() | user name running test run tests_run | integer | not null default 0 | Number of tests run (should equal passed+failed!) number_passed | integer | not null default 0 | Number of tests passed number_failed | integer | not null default 0 | Number of tests failed number_test_cases_registered | integer | not null default 0 | Number of test cases registered [OBSOLETE] number_messages_registered | integer | not null default 0 | Number of error and informational messages registered


Referenced by:

Test Functions

Function: rif40_sql_pkg.rif40_sql_test()



Pass (true)/Fail (false) unless raise_exception_on_failure is TRUE


Calls _rif40_sql_test() to log and execute dynamic SQL SELECT statement or INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE with RETURNING clause

Checks expected results against actual; pass if they match, fail if they do not.

Exception behaviour controlled by _rif40_sql_test()

Function: rif40_sql_pkg._rif40_sql_test()



Pass (true)/Fail (false) unless raise_exception_on_failure is TRUE. Note that this is the result of the test and is not influenced by the expected result:


Log and execute dynamic SQL SELECT statement or INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE with RETURNING clause. Used to check test SQL statements and triggers


The test harness runs with two connections with independent transactions:

Linked Tests, Inheritance

The rif40_test_harness.parent_test_id column is used to create a series of chained tests within a single transaction. Tests cannot be shared by multiple transactions; this would require the rif40_test_harness to be split into a further rif40_test_harness_runs.

Inheritance is therefore not permitted.

Use of Async

Node.js is highly asynchronous; as is the Postgres driver (pg). Executing SQL statements results in the statement becoming queued up and not necessarily running in the same order as submitted to the queue. For loops have the same effect. This obviously is not good for tranactionaal control. Originally the SQL statements were chained using the the cursor.on(‘end’, function(result) {} functionality; this results in a recursive large stack that grows linearly per test. To avoid stack issues a Mutux was used so that the for loop could execute in a synchronous manner:

// This is no longer recursive, replaced with a for loop and a Mutex lock

var k = 1;
for (; k <= row_count; k++) {
	(function(p_k) {
		process.nextTick(function() {
			try {
				if (p_k > row_count) {
					console.error('1: run_test_harness_tests() p_k (' + p_k + ') > row_count (' + row_count + ')');
				var p_mutex_id;
				var mutex_name = 'db_test_harness.js-test';
				p_mutexjs.lock(mutex_name, function(id) {
					rif40_sql_test(p_conString, p_mutexjs, p_client1, p_client2, p_k, p_tests,
						p_passed_or_failed, p_failed_flag, p_rif40_test_harness, start_time, p_mutex_id,
			catch(err) {
				console.error('1: _rif40_sql_test_end() Could not acquire Mutex: ' + mutex_name, err);


Code Portablility

The following are issues with code portability to Microsoft SQL Server:

Test Examples

These are all Postgres examples.

a) SELECT statements:

Actual test INSERT code:

	PERFORM rif40_sql_pkg._rif40_sql_test_register(
                 'SELECT level1, level2, level3, level4 FROM sahsuland_geography WHERE level3 IN (''01.015.016900'', ''01.015.016200'') ORDER BY level4',
                 'T8--07: test_8_triggers.sql: Display SAHSULAND hierarchy for level 3: 01.015.016900, 01.015.016200',
 '<row xmlns:xsi="">
 <row xmlns:xsi="">
 <row xmlns:xsi="">
 <row xmlns:xsi="">
 <row xmlns:xsi="">
 <row xmlns:xsi="">

Example runtime code:

IF NOT (rif40_sql_pkg.rif40_sql_test(
	'SELECT level1, level2, level3, level4 FROM sahsuland_geography WHERE level3 IN (''01.015.016900'', ''01.015.016200'') ORDER BY level4',
	'Display SAHSULAND hierarchy for level 3: 01.015.016900, 01.015.016200',
	/* Use defaults */)) THEN

Example output:

psql:test_scripts/test_8_triggers.sql:276: INFO:  rif40_method4():
Display SAHSULAND hierarchy for level 3: 01.015.016900, 01.015.016200
psql:test_scripts/test_8_triggers.sql:276: INFO:  rif40_method4():
level1                                   | level2                                   | level3                                   | level4
01                                       | 01.015                                   | 01.015.016200                            | 01.015.016200.2
01                                       | 01.015                                   | 01.015.016200                            | 01.015.016200.3
01                                       | 01.015                                   | 01.015.016200                            | 01.015.016200.4
01                                       | 01.015                                   | 01.015.016900                            | 01.015.016900.1
01                                       | 01.015                                   | 01.015.016900                            | 01.015.016900.2
01                                       | 01.015                                   | 01.015.016900                            | 01.015.016900.3
(6 rows)
psql:test_scripts/test_8_triggers.sql:276: INFO:  rif40_sql_test(): [71152] PASSED: no extra rows for test: Display SAHSULAND hierarchy for level 3: 01.015.016900, 01.015.016200
psql:test_scripts/test_8_triggers.sql:276: INFO:  rif40_sql_test(): [71155] PASSED: no missing rows for test: Display SAHSULAND hierarchy for level 3: 01.015.016900, 01.015.016200
psql:test_scripts/test_8_triggers.sql:276: INFO:  rif40_sql_test(): [71158] PASSED: Test case: Display SAHSULAND hierarchy for level 3: 01.015.016900, 01.015.016200 no exceptions, no errors, no missing or extra data

i) Original SQL statement: SELECT * FROM sahsuland_geography WHERE level3 IN (‘01.015.016900’, ‘01.015.016200’); ii) Add ORDER BY clause, expand * (This becomes the test case SQL) SELECT level1, level2, level3, level4 FROM sahsuland_geography WHERE level3 IN (‘01.015.016900’, ‘01.015.016200’) ORDER BY level4; iii) Convert results to array form (Cast to text, string ) [the function rif40_sql_pkg._rif40_test_sql_template() will automate this]

	SELECT ''''||
				(ARRAY[level1::Text, level2::Text, level3::Text, level4::Text]::Text||E'\n')::Text ORDER BY level4)::Text,
				'"'::Text, ''::Text)||'''::Text[][]' AS res
	  FROM sahsuland_geography
	 WHERE level3 IN ('01.015.016900', '01.015.016200');

	 ,{01,01.015,01.015.016200,01.015.016200.3} +
	 ,{01,01.015,01.015.016200,01.015.016200.4} +
	 ,{01,01.015,01.015.016900,01.015.016900.1} +
	 ,{01,01.015,01.015.016900,01.015.016900.2} +
	 ,{01,01.015,01.015.016900,01.015.016900.3} +
	(1 row)

Example call:

	PERFORM rif40_sql_pkg.rif40_sql_test(
		'SELECT level1, level2, level3, level4 FROM sahsuland_geography WHERE level3 IN (''01.015.016900'', ''01.015.016200'') ORDER BY level4',
		'Display SAHSULAND hierarchy for level 3: 01.015.016900, 01.015.016200',

Example expand of array to setof record

		WITH a AS (
			SELECT '{{01,01.015,01.015.016200,01.015.016200.2}
		}'::Text[][] AS res
		), row AS (
			SELECT generate_series(1,array_upper(a.res, 1)) AS series
			  FROM a
		SELECT  row.series,
				(a.res)[row.series][1] AS level1,
				(a.res)[row.series][2] AS level2,
				(a.res)[row.series][3] AS level3,
				(a.res)[row.series][4] AS level4
		  FROM row, a;

	WITH a AS ( /* Test data */
		SELECT '{{01,01.015,01.015.016200,01.015.016200.2}
			}'::Text[][] AS res
	), b AS ( /* Test SQL */
		SELECT level1, level2, level3, level4
		  FROM sahsuland_geography WHERE level3 IN ('01.015.016900', '01.015.016200')
		 ORDER BY level4
	), c AS ( /* Convert to 2D array via record */
								'"'::Text, ''::Text),
							'('::Text, '{'::Text),
						')'::Text, '}'::Text)::Text[][] AS res
		FROM b
	SELECT rif40_sql_pkg._rif40_reduce_dim(c.res) AS missing_data
	  FROM c
	SELECT rif40_sql_pkg._rif40_reduce_dim(a.res)
	  FROM a;


These use INSERT/UPDATE OR DELETE statements. RETURNING is supported, but it must be a single text value (test_value). The results array should should also be single value. Beware that the INSERTed data from the table is not in scope, so you can return a sequence, an input value, but not trigger modified data

Example code:

	IF NOT (rif40_sql_pkg.rif40_sql_test(
		'INSERT INTO rif40_studies(geography, project, study_name, extract_table, map_table, study_type, comparison_geolevel_name, study_geolevel_name, denom_tab, suppression_value)
VALUES (''SAHSU'', ''TEST'', ''TRIGGER TEST #1'', ''EXTRACT_TRIGGER_TEST_1'', ''MAP_TRIGGER_TEST_1'', 1 /* Disease mapping */, ''LEVEL1'', ''LEVEL4'', NULL /* FAIL HERE */, 0)',
		'TRIGGER TEST #1: rif40_studies.denom_tab IS NULL',
		NULL::Text[][] 	/* No results for trigger */,
		'P0001' 		/* Expected SQLCODE (P0001 - PGpsql raise_exception (from rif40_error) */,
		FALSE 			/* Do not RAISE EXCEPTION on failure */)) THEN
    END IF;

Example output:

psql:test_scripts/test_8_triggers.sql:276: WARNING:  rif40_ddl(): SQL in error (P0001)> INSERT INTO rif40_studies(geography, project, study_name, extract_table, map_table, study_type, comparison_geolevel_name, study_geolevel_name, denom_tab, suppression_value)
psql:test_scripts/test_8_triggers.sql:276: WARNING:  71167: rif40_sql_test('TRIGGER TEST #1: rif40_studies.denom_tab IS NULL') caught:
rif40_trg_pkg.trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): T_RIF40_STUDIES study 140 denominator:  not found in RIF40_TABLES in SQL >>>
INSERT INTO rif40_studies(geography, project, study_name, extract_table, map_table, study_type, comparison_geolevel_name, study_geolevel_name, denom_tab, suppression_value)
Error context and message >>>
Message:  rif40_trg_pkg.trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): T_RIF40_STUDIES study 140 denominator:  not found in RIF40_TABLES
Hint:     Consult message text
Detail:   -20211
Context:  SQL statement "SELECT rif40_log_pkg.rif40_error(-20211, 'trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks',
                        'T_RIF40_STUDIES study % denominator: % not found in RIF40_TABLES',
                        NEW.study_id::VARCHAR           /* Study id */,
                        NEW.denom_tab::VARCHAR          /* Denominator */)"
PL/pgSQL function rif40_trg_pkg.trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks() line 460 at PERFORM
SQL statement "INSERT INTO t_rif40_studies (
                                coalesce(NEW.username, "current_user"()),
                                coalesce(NEW.study_id, (nextval('rif40_study_id_seq'::regclass))::integer),
                                NEW.extract_table /* no default value */,
                                NEW.study_name /* no default value */,
                                NEW.summary /* no default value */,
                                NEW.description /* no default value */,
                                NEW.other_notes /* no default value */,
                                coalesce(NEW.study_date, ('now'::text)::timestamp without time zone),
                                NEW.geography /* no default value */,
                                NEW.study_type /* no default value */,
                                coalesce(NEW.study_state, 'C'::character varying),
                                NEW.comparison_geolevel_name /* no default value */,
                                NEW.denom_tab /* no default value */,
                                NEW.direct_stand_tab /* no default value */,
                                NEW.study_geolevel_name /* no default value */,
                                NEW.map_table /* no default value */,
                                NEW.suppression_value /* no default value */,
                                coalesce(NEW.extract_permitted, 0),
                                coalesce(NEW.transfer_permitted, 0),
                                NEW.authorised_by /* no default value */,
                                NEW.authorised_on /* no default value */,
                                NEW.authorised_notes /* no default value */,
                                coalesce(NEW.audsid, sys_context('USERENV'::character varying, 'SESSIONID'::character varying)),
                                NEW.project /* no default value */)"
PL/pgSQL function rif40_trg_pkg.trgf_rif40_studies() line 8 at SQL statement
SQL statement "INSERT INTO rif40_studies(geography, project, study_name, extract_table, map_table, study_type, comparison_geolevel_name, study_geolevel_name, denom_tab, suppression_value)
PL/pgSQL function rif40_ddl(character varying) line 51 at EXECUTE statement
SQL statement "SELECT rif40_sql_pkg.rif40_ddl(test_stmt)"
PL/pgSQL function rif40_sql_test(character varying,character varying,anyarray,character varying,boolean) line 253 at PERFORM
PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 157 at IF
<<< End of trace.

psql:test_scripts/test_8_triggers.sql:276: WARNING:  rif40_sql_test(): [71169] Test case: TRIGGER TEST #1: rif40_studies.denom_tab IS NULL PASSED, caught expecting SQLSTATE P0001;
Message:  rif40_trg_pkg.trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): T_RIF40_STUDIES study 140 denominator:  not found in RIF40_TABLES
Detail:   -20211

Success and failure in tests

Success or failure is determined by rif40_test_harness.pass; the expected result:

To do


Potential future enhancements; lowest priority


node db_test_harness.js --help
Usage: test_harness [options]

Version: 0.1

RIF 4.0 Database test harness.

  -d, --debug_level  RIF database PL/pgsql debug level      [default: 0]
  -D, --database     name of Postgres database              [default: "sahsuland_dev"]
  -U, --username     Postgres database username             [default: "pch"]
  -P, --port         Postgres database port                 [default: 5432]
  -H, --hostname     hostname of Postgres database          [default: "wpea-rif1"]
  -F, --failed       re-run failed tests                    [default: false]
  -C, --class        Test run class                         [default: null]
  --help             display this helpful message and exit  [default: false]

Example: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example

C:\Users\pch\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifDatabase\TestHarness\db_test_harness>make rif40_create_disease_mapping_example
Debug level set to default: 1
node db_test_harness.js -H localhost -D sahsuland_dev -U pch -d 1 -C rif40_create_disease_mapping_example
1: Connected to Postgres using: postgres://pch@localhost:5432/sahsuland_dev?application_name=db_test_harness
1: notice: rif40_log_setup() DEFAULTED send DEBUG to INFO: off; debug function list: []
1: notice: rif40_startup(): SQL> SET search_path TO pch,rif40, public, topology, gis, pop, rif_data, data_load, rif40_sql_pkg, rif_studies,
1: notice: rif40_startup(): Created temporary table: g_rif40_study_areas
1: notice: rif40_startup(): Created temporary table: g_rif40_comparison_areas
1: notice: Function postgis_topology_scripts_installed() not found. Is topology support enabled and topology.sql installed?
1: notice: rif40_startup(): PostGIS extension V2.1.3 (POSTGIS="2.1.3 r12547" GEOS="3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3924" PROJ="Rel. 4.8.0, 6 March 2012" G
DAL="GDAL 1.10.0, released 2013/04/24" LIBXML="2.7.8" LIBJSON="UNKNOWN" RASTER)
1: notice: rif40_startup(): FDW functionality disabled - FDWServerName, FDWServerType, FDWDBServer RIF parameters not set.
1: notice: rif40_startup(): V$Revision: 1.11 $ DB version $Revision: 1.11 $ matches
1: notice: rif40_startup(): V$Revision: 1.11 $ rif40_geographies, rif40_tables, rif40_health_study_themes exist for user: pch
1: notice: rif40_startup(): search_path: rif40, public, topology, gis, pop, rif_data, data_load, rif40_sql_pkg, rif_studies, rif40_partition
s, rif_studies, reset: rif40, public, topology, gis, pop, rif_data, data_load, rif40_sql_pkg, rif_studies, rif40_partitions
1: notice: rif40_startup(): Deleted 0, created 2 tables/views/foreign data wrapper tables
1: notice: rif40_log_setup() send DEBUG to INFO: off; debug function list: []
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71402]: debug_level 1
1: notice: rif40_send_debug_to_info(true) SET send DEBUG to INFO: off; debug function list: [_rif40_sql_test_log_setup:DEBUG1]
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71403]: Enable debug for function: rif40_delete_study
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71403]: Enable debug for function: rif40_ddl
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71403]: Enable debug for function: _rif40_sql_test
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71403]: Enable debug for function: _rif40_test_sql_template
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71403]: Enable debug for function: _rif40_sql_test_register
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71403]: Enable debug for function: rif40_startup
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71403]: Enable debug for function: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup
1: notice: _rif40_sql_test_log_setup(): [71403]: Enable debug for function: rif40_remove_from_debug
1: Wait for client 2 initialisation; debug_level: 1
2: Connect to Postgres using: postgres://pch@localhost:5432/sahsuland_dev?application_name=db_test_harness
1: Client 2 initialised; debug_level: 1
2: COMMIT transaction;
1: Class: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example Tests: 7
1: Total tests to run: 7
1: [1/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
2: BEGIN transaction: [1/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
2[9:11:29 AM 563] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks
2[9:11:29 AM 783] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): SQL> INSERT /* 1 */ INTO rif40_studies (
                geography, project, study_name, study_type,
                comparison_geolevel_name, study_geolevel_name, denom_tab,
                year_start, year_stop, max_age_group, min_age_group,
                suppression_value, extract_permitted, transfer_permitted)
        VALUES (
                 'SAHSU'                                        /* geography */,
                 'TEST'                                                 /* project */,
                 'SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example'                                  /* study_name */,
                 1                                                                      /* study_type [disease mapping] */,
                 'LEVEL2'       /* comparison_geolevel_name */,
                 'LEVEL4'                               /* study_geolevel_name */,
                 'SAHSULAND_POP'                                        /* denom_tab */,
                 1989                                   /* year_start */,
                 1996                                   /* year_stop */,
                 21     /* max_age_group */,
                 0      /* min_age_group */,
                 5 /* suppression_value */,
                 1              /* extract_permitted */,
                 1              /* transfer_permitted */);
2[9:11:29 AM 961] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20200-5] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 CRUD checks OK
2[9:11:30 AM 74] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20206-7] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 comparison area geolevel name: "L
2[9:11:30 AM 169] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20209] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 study area geolevel name: "LEVEL4"
2[9:11:31 AM 283] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20212] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 denominator accessible as: pop.SAH
2[9:11:31 AM 377] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20216-21] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 year/age bands checks OK agains
2[9:11:31 AM 470] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20222] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 study area geolevel id (4/LEVEL4)
>= comparision area (2/LEVEL2) [i.e study area has the same or higher resolution]
2[9:11:31 AM 563] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20223] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 suppressed at: 5
2[9:11:31 AM 655] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20224-5] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 may be extracted, study geolevel
 LEVEL4 is not restricted for user: pch
2[9:11:33 AM 913] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20228] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 extract table: S13_EXTRACT cannot
be accessed; state: C [IGNORED]
2[9:11:36 AM 148] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20229] T_RIF40_STUDIES study 13 map table: S13_MAP cannot be acces
sed; state: C [IGNORED]
2[9:11:36 AM 279] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_studies_checks(): [20233] T_RIF40_STUDIES study: 13 denominator RIF40_TABLES age sex
group field column: pop.SAHSULAND_POP.AGE_SEX_GROUP found
2[9:11:36 AM 396] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): Statement took: 00:00:06.611, proccessed 1 rows
2[9:11:36 AM 403] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71267] PASSED: Test case 1: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example no exceptions, no error expect
2[9:11:36 AM 561] notice: rif40_sql_test(): [71150]: Test case 1: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
PASSED expected result = actual (true)
* 2: [Recursive test 1/7] Test OK: [1/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example

1: DEPENDENT Recurse; next: 2
1: RECURSE level 1: [2/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
2[9:11:36 AM 575] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_t_rif40_investigations_checks
2[9:11:36 AM 792] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): SQL> INSERT /* 2 */ INTO rif40_investigations(
        'INV_1'                 /* inv_name */,
        'Lung cancer'   /* inv_description */,
        3                       /* genders [both] */,
        'SAHSULAND_CANCER'              /* numer_tab */,
        1989            /* year_start */,
        1996            /* year_stop */,
        21 /* max_age_group */,
        0 /* min_age_group */);
2[9:11:36 AM 901] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_investigations_checks(): [20700-4] T_RIF40_INVESTIGATIONS study: 13 investigation: 9
CRUD checks OK
2[9:11:38 AM 169] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_investigations_checks(): [20706] T_RIF40_INVESTIGATIONS study: 13 investigation: 9 nu
merator: SAHSULAND_CANCER accessible
2[9:11:38 AM 266] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_investigations_checks(): [20707-17] T_RIF40_INVESTIGATIONS study: 13 investigation: 9
 year/age checks OK
2[9:11:38 AM 537] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_investigations_checks(): [20718] T_RIF40_INVESTIGATIONS study: 13 investigation: 9 nu
merator RIF40_TABLES total field column: rif_data.SAHSULAND_CANCER.TOTAL found
2[9:11:38 AM 638] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_investigations_checks(): [20721] T_RIF40_INVESTIGATIONS study: 13 investigation: 9 nu
merator RIF40_TABLES age sex group field column: rif_data.SAHSULAND_CANCER.AGE_SEX_GROUP found
2[9:11:38 AM 769] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_investigations_checks(): [20722-5] T_RIF40_INVESTIGATIONS study: 13 investigation: 9
age_group IDs match; 1, same AGE_SEX_GROUP/AGE_GROUP/SEX_FIELD_NAMES used
2[9:11:38 AM 865] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): Statement took: 00:00:02.066, proccessed 1 rows
2[9:11:38 AM 872] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71267] PASSED: Test case 2: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example no exceptions, no error expect
2[9:11:39 AM 34] notice: rif40_sql_test(): [71150]: Test case 2: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
PASSED expected result = actual (true)
* 2: [Recursive test 2/7] Test OK: [2/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example

1: DEPENDENT Recurse; next: 3
1: RECURSE level 2: [3/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
2[9:11:39 AM 46] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_conditions_checks
2[9:11:39 AM 265] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): SQL> INSERT /* 3 */ INTO rif40_inv_conditions(
                        outcome_group_name, min_condition, max_condition, predefined_group_name, line_number)
WITH data AS (
                                SELECT '{{SAHSULAND_ICD,C34,NULL,NULL},{SAHSULAND_ICD,162,1629,NULL}}'::Text[][] AS arr
                        ), b AS (
                                SELECT arr[i][1] AS outcome_group_name,
                                           arr[i][2] AS min_condition,
                                           arr[i][3] AS max_condition,
                                           arr[i][4] AS predefined_group_name,
                   ROW_NUMBER() OVER() AS line_number
                              FROM data, generate_subscripts((SELECT arr FROM data), 1) i
                SELECT outcome_group_name, min_condition, max_condition, predefined_group_name, line_number
                  FROM b
                RETURNING outcome_group_name, min_condition, max_condition, predefined_group_name;
2[9:11:39 AM 371] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_conditions_checks(): [20500-3] T_RIF40_INV_CONDITIONS study: 13 investigation: 9
line: 1 CRUD checks OK
2[9:11:39 AM 485] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_conditions_checks(): [20500-3] T_RIF40_INV_CONDITIONS study: 13 investigation: 9
line: 2 CRUD checks OK
2[9:11:39 AM 652] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71267] PASSED: Test case 3: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example no exceptions, no error expect
2[9:11:39 AM 812] notice: rif40_sql_test(): [71150]: Test case 3: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
PASSED expected result = actual (true)
* 2: [Recursive test 3/7] Test OK: [3/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example

1: DEPENDENT Recurse; next: 4
1: RECURSE level 3: [4/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
2[9:11:39 AM 825] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_t_rif40_study_areas_checks
2[9:11:39 AM 975] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_t_rif40_study_areas_checks2
2[9:11:40 AM 229] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): SQL> INSERT /* 4 */ INTO rif40_study_areas(area_id, band_id)
          FROM sahsuland_geography
         WHERE level3 IN (
        SELECT unnest(
0}'::Text[]) /* at Geolevel select */ AS study_area);
2[9:11:41 AM 969] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): Statement took: 00:00:01.737, proccessed 1230 rows
2[9:11:41 AM 977] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71267] PASSED: Test case 4: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example no exceptions, no error expect
2[9:11:42 AM 311] notice: rif40_sql_test(): [71150]: Test case 4: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
PASSED expected result = actual (true)
* 2: [Recursive test 4/7] Test OK: [4/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example

1: DEPENDENT Recurse; next: 5
1: RECURSE level 4: [5/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
2[9:11:42 AM 328] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_t_rif40_comp_areas_checks
2[9:11:42 AM 474] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_t_rif40_comp_areas_checks2
2[9:11:42 AM 727] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): SQL> INSERT /* 5 */ INTO rif40_comparison_areas(area_id)
SELECT unnest(
'{01.001,01.002,01.003,01.004,01.005,01.006,01.007,01.008,01.009,01.011,01.012,01.013,01.014,01.015,01.016,01.017,01.018}'::Text[]) AS compa
2[9:11:46 AM 437] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): Statement took: 00:00:03.707, proccessed 17 rows
2[9:11:46 AM 448] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71267] PASSED: Test case 5: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example no exceptions, no error expect
2[9:11:46 AM 780] notice: rif40_sql_test(): [71150]: Test case 5: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
PASSED expected result = actual (true)
* 2: [Recursive test 5/7] Test OK: [5/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example

1: DEPENDENT Recurse; next: 6
1: RECURSE level 5: [6/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
2[9:11:46 AM 794] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_covariates_checks
2[9:11:47 AM 15] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): SQL> INSERT /* 6 */ INTO rif40_inv_covariates(geography, covariate_name, study_geolevel_name,
 min, max)
        SELECT unnest(
         '{SES}'::Text[])::Text AS covariate_name,
              'LEVEL4'::Text AS study_geolevel_name,
              'SAHSU'::Text AS geography
SELECT a.geography, a.covariate_name, a.study_geolevel_name, b.min, b.max
  FROM a
        LEFT OUTER JOIN rif40_covariates b ON
                (a.covariate_name = b.covariate_name AND a.study_geolevel_name = b.geolevel_name AND a.geography = b.geography);
2[9:11:47 AM 121] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_covariates_checks(): [20600-3] T_RIF40_INV_COVARIATES study: 13 investigation: 9
covariate: SES CRUD checks OK
2[9:11:47 AM 219] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_covariates_checks(): T_RIF40_INV_COVARIATES study: 13 investigation: 9 covariate:
 SES study area geolevel name: LEVEL4 (id 4) same as geolevel in T_RIF40_STUDIES for study 13
2[9:11:47 AM 318] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_covariates_checks(): [20266-71] T_RIF40_INV_COVARIATES study: 13 investigation: 9
 covariate: SES max/in checks OK
2[9:11:48 AM 441] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_covariates_checks(): [20272-3] T_RIF40_INV_COVARIATES study: 13 investigation: 9
covariate: SES covariate table column: rif_data.SAHSULAND_COVARIATES_LEVEL4.SES can be accessed
2[9:11:48 AM 543] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_covariates_checks(): [20274] T_RIF40_INV_COVARIATES study: 13 investigation: 9 co
variate: SES covariate table column: rif_data.SAHSULAND_COVARIATES_LEVEL4.YEAR can be accessed
2[9:11:48 AM 644] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_t_rif40_inv_covariates_checks(): [20275] T_RIF40_INV_COVARIATES study: 13 investigation: 9 co
variate: SES covariate table column: rif_data.SAHSULAND_COVARIATES_LEVEL4.LEVEL4 can be accessed
2[9:11:48 AM 783] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): Statement took: 00:00:01.768, proccessed 1 rows
2[9:11:48 AM 790] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71267] PASSED: Test case 6: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example no exceptions, no error expect
2[9:11:48 AM 949] notice: rif40_sql_test(): [71150]: Test case 6: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
PASSED expected result = actual (true)
* 2: [Recursive test 6/7] Test OK: [6/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example

1: DEPENDENT Recurse; next: 7
1: RECURSE level 6: [7/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
2[9:11:48 AM 972] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71250]: Enable debug for function: trigger_fct_rif40_study_shares_checks
2[9:11:49 AM 187] notice: [DEBUG1] rif40_ddl(): SQL> INSERT /* 7 */ INTO rif40_study_shares(grantee_username) VALUES ('pch');
2[9:11:49 AM 285] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_rif40_study_shares_checks(): [20325] RIF40_STUDY_SHARES study_id: 13 not owned by grantor: pc
h; owned by: pch; but grantor is a RIF_MANAGER
2[9:11:49 AM 379] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_rif40_study_shares_checks(): [20327] RIF40_STUDY_SHARES study_id: 13 grantee username: pch is
2[9:11:49 AM 475] notice: [DEBUG1] trigger_fct_rif40_study_shares_checks(): [20320-7] RIF40_STUDY_SHARES study: 13 CRUD checks OK
2[9:11:49 AM 652] notice: _rif40_sql_test(): [71267] PASSED: Test case 7: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example no exceptions, no error expect
2[9:11:49 AM 808] notice: rif40_sql_test(): [71150]: Test case 7: SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
PASSED expected result = actual (true)
* 2: [Recursive test 7/7] Test OK: [7/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example

2: ROLLBACK transaction: [7/7]: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example] SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
1: Test harness complete; 7 tests completed; passed: 7; none failed.
1: BEGIN transaction: results UPDATE
1: Test run results by test >>>
1: [1/7] [Recursive test 1/7] ; id: 1; expected: true; pass: true; time taken: 7.014 S; SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
1: [2/7] [Recursive test 2/7] ; id: 2; expected: true; pass: true; time taken: 2.469 S; SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
1: [3/7] [Recursive test 3/7] ; id: 3; expected: true; pass: true; time taken: 0.776 S; SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
1: [4/7] [Recursive test 4/7] ; id: 4; expected: true; pass: true; time taken: 2.496 S; SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
1: [5/7] [Recursive test 5/7] ; id: 5; expected: true; pass: true; time taken: 4.464 S; SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
1: [6/7] [Recursive test 6/7] ; id: 6; expected: true; pass: true; time taken: 2.167 S; SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
1: [7/7] [Recursive test 7/7] ; id: 7; expected: true; pass: true; time taken: 0.851 S; SAHSULAND test 4 study_id 1 example
1: Test run results by test class >>>
1: rif40_create_disease_mapping_example: tests: 7, passed: 7, failed: 0, time taken: 20.237000000000002
1: COMMIT transaction.
* Test harness run had no error(s); 7 passed
* Total time taken: 20.337 S
* Connection string: postgres://pch@localhost:5432/sahsuland_dev?application_name=db_test_harness

Peter Hambly, 2nd September 2015