Tile Maker

  1. Overview
    1. Software Requirements
    2. Issues
      1. Memory Requirements
      2. SQL Server Connection Error
      3. JSZip 3.0 Error
      4. BULK INSERT Permission
      5. MSSQL Timeout: Request failed to complete in XXX000ms
      6. JavaScript heap out of memory
      7. No top level shapefile with only one area
      8. pgTileMaker or mssqlTileMaker JavaScript heap out of memory
      9. Hierarchy Issues
      10. SQL Server disk space and memory Issues
  2. Running the Tile Maker
    1. Setup
    2. Processing Overview
    3. Running the Front End
      1. Shapefile Format
      2. Shapefile Naming Requirements
      3. Handling Large Shapefiles
    4. Pre Processing Shapefiles
      1. To display information about a shapefile
      2. Simplifying a shapefile
      3. Renaming fields in a shapefile
      4. Simplifying multiple shapefiles
      5. Dissolving a shapefile
    5. Post Front End Processing
      1. Geospatial Data Load
      2. Tile Manufacture
      3. Load Production Data into the RIF
  3. TileMaker Source Code
    1. TileMaker Server
      1. TileMaker SQL Generation
    2. TileMaker Web Application
    3. TileViewer
  4. TileMaker TODO


This document details the loading of the administrative geography data and the geo-coding requirements of the RIF.

The RIF web front end uses Leaflet, which requires map tiles; these are squares that follow certain Google Maps conventions:

Leaflet uses de facto OpenStreetMap standard, known as Slippy Map Tilenames or XYZ, follows these and adds more:

Background map images are served direct from the source through a REST API, with a URL like http://.../Z/X/Y.png where Z is the zoom level, and X and Y identify the tile.

For example a zoomlevel 8 tile, X=123, Y=82; covering the Irish Sea, Liverpool and the Lancashire and Cumbrian coasts: alt text

The RIF does NOT cache background maps so on a private air-gapped network you will not get background maps.

The administrative geography uses GeoJSON Layers server by the rifServices REST api. For performance reasons the RIF uses a modified Leaflet.GeoJSONGridLayer originally created by Eric Brelsford. The modification is to use TopoJSON grids to reduce the REST GET JSON size and then internally converts to TopoJSON to GeoJSON for the Leaflet gridlayer. Some experiments have been carried out with local caching and there is a tile viewer program to test this.

The caching code is in the main RIF application but is disabled due to issues with browser support.

The job of the Tile Maker is to process a hierarchy of administrative shapefiles to:


The principal limitation is memory:

Software Requirements

The software has not been tested on Linux or MacOS but should work.


Memory Requirements

A minimum of 16GB of RAM is required; if you are processing high resolution geographies (e.g. US census block groups or UK census output areas) you will require 32 to 64GB of RAM.

The memory requirement comes from the need to read an entire shapefile, convert each area to GeoJson, and finally progressively simplify the GeoJSON to be suitable for each zoomlevel.

By default the TileMaker runs in only 4GB memory which is not enough for large shapefiles.

In particular see Handling Large Shapefiles to either reduce the memory requirement or increase the available memory.

SQL Server Connection Error

Symptom; SQL Severer connect error Error: None of the binaries loaded successfully. Is your node version either >= 0.12.7 or >= 4.2.x or >= 5.1.1 or >= 6.1.0

JSZip 3.0 Error

The error log forever.err contains:

Error(Error): The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.
Stack >>>
Error: The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.
    at Object.JSZip (C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\JSZip\lib\index.js:14:15)
    at zipProcessingSeriesAddStatus1 (C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\lib\nodeGeoSpatialServices.js:765:17)
    at addStatusWriteDiagnosticFileRename (C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\lib\nodeGeoSpatialServicesCommon.js:923:10)
    at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:123:15)<<<

* LOG END ***********************************************************************

									throw e;

Error: The constructor with parameters has been removed in JSZip 3.0, please check the upgrade guide.
    at Object.JSZip (C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\JSZip\lib\index.js:14:15)
    at zipProcessingSeriesAddStatus1 (C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\lib\nodeGeoSpatialServices.js:765:17)
    at addStatusWriteDiagnosticFileRename (C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\lib\nodeGeoSpatialServicesCommon.js:923:10)
    at FSReqWrap.oncomplete (fs.js:123:15)

Ypou must install a version 2.6.N JSZip: npm install JSZip@2.6.1

If you get:

C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices>npm install JSZip@2.6.1
RIF40-geospatial@0.0.1 C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices
`-- jszip@2.6.1  invalid

Chnage the *package.json line from the version 3 JSZip to the 2.6.N version:

    "jszip": "^2.6.1",

The code does need to be updated to version 3.

A correct install looks like:

C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices>npm install JSZip@2.6.1
RIF40-geospatial@0.0.1 C:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices
`-- jszip@2.6.1

npm WARN optional SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: fsevents@^1.0.0 (node_modules\chokidar\node_modules\fsevents):
npm WARN notsup SKIPPING OPTIONAL DEPENDENCY: Unsupported platform for fsevents@1.2.4: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current:

BULK INSERT Permission

SQL Server needs access permission granted to the directories used to BULK INSERT files, the files are not copied from the client to the server as in the Postgres psql ```\copy` command and the Oracle sqlldr command.

SQL Server needs access to the directories containing the data loaded by the scripts. The simplest way is to allow read/execute access to the local users group (e.g. PH-LAPTOP\Users or USERS depending on your Windows version).

DO NOT TRY TO RUN BULK INSERT FROM NETWORK DRIVES or CLOUD DRIVES (e.g. Google Drive). Use a local directory which SQL Server has access to; e.g. somewhere on the C: drive. Note that SQL Server BULK LOAD behaves deterrently if you logon using Windows authentication (where it will use your credentials to access the files) to using a username and password (where it will use the Server’s credentials to access the file).

-- SQL statement 23: Load table from CSV file >>>
BULK INSERT cb_2014_us_county_500k
FROM 'C:\Users\Peter\OneDrive\SEER Data\Tile maker USA/cb_2014_us_county_500k.csv'	-- Note use of pwd; set via -v pwd="%cd%" in the sqlcmd command line
	FORMATFILE = 'C:\Users\Peter\OneDrive\SEER Data\Tile maker USA/mssql_cb_2014_us_county_500k.fmt',		-- Use a format file
	TABLOCK					-- Table lock

Msg 4861, Level 16, State 1, Server PH-LAPTOP\SQLEXPRESS, Line 3
Cannot bulk load because the file "C:\Users\Peter\OneDrive\SEER Data\Tile maker USA/cb_2014_us_county_500k.csv" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.).

MSSQL Timeout: Request failed to complete in XXX000ms

Timeout in Node mssql package. Edit mssqlTileMaker.js and set the the requestTomeout in the MSSQL connection config:

	var config = {
		driver: 'msnodesqlv8',
		server: p_hostname,
		requestTimeout: 300000, // 5 mins. Default 15s per SQL statement
		options: {
			trustedConnection: false,
			useUTC: true,
			appName: 'mssqlTileMaker.js',
			encrypt: true
error [events:96:dbErrorHandler()] dbErrorHandler() Error: dbErrorHandler(no callback): Timeout: Request failed to complete in 90000ms
RequestError: Timeout: Request failed to complete in 90000ms
    at Request.tds.Request.err [as userCallback] (c:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\mssql\lib\tedious.js:578:19)
    at Request._this.callback (c:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\tedious\lib\request.js:60:27)
    at Connection.message (c:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\tedious\lib\connection.js:1936:24)
    at Connection.dispatchEvent (c:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\tedious\lib\connection.js:992:38)
    at MessageIO.<anonymous> (c:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\tedious\lib\connection.js:886:18)
    at emitNone (events.js:86:13)
    at MessageIO.emit (events.js:185:7)
    at ReadablePacketStream.<anonymous> (c:\Users\Peter\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\tedious\lib\message-io.js:102:16)
    at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
    at ReadablePacketStream.emit (events.js:188:7)

JavaScript heap out of memory

The TileMaker server log forever.log contains:

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
 1: node_module_register
 2: v8::internal::FatalProcessOutOfMemory
 3: v8::internal::FatalProcessOutOfMemory
 4: v8::internal::Factory::NewRawTwoByteString
 5: v8::internal::Smi::SmiPrint
 6: v8::internal::StackGuard::HandleInterrupts
 7: v8::String::WriteUtf8
 8: v8_inspector::V8InspectorClient::currentTimeMS
 9: node::Buffer::New
10: node::Buffer::New
11: v8::internal::wasm::SignatureMap::Find
12: v8::internal::Builtins::CallableFor
13: v8::internal::Builtins::CallableFor
14: v8::internal::Builtins::CallableFor
15: 00000291C30043C1

By default the TileMaker runs in only 4GB memory which is not enough for large shapefiles. See 2.3.3 Handling Large Shapefiles to either reduce the memory requirement or increase the available memory.

No top level shapefile with only one area

The top level shapefile must have only one area:

Check that minimum resolution shapefile has only 1 area

geolevel 1/5 shapefile: CNTRY2011.shp has >1 (3) area)



pgTileMaker or mssqlTileMaker JavaScript heap out of memory


node C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\pgTileMaker.js --database sahsuland_dev -V
Created info log file: pgTileMaker.log
XML Directory C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd is readable
Parsed XML config file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/geoDataLoader.xml
Connected to Postgres using: postgres://peter@localhost:5432/sahsuland_dev?application_name=pgTileMaker; log level: info
Set Postgres search path to: "$user",rif40, public, topology, gis, pop, rif_data, data_load, rif40_sql_pkg, rif_studies, rif40_partitions
SET client_encoding='UTF-8'
Creating hierarchy CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_hierarchy_ews2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating lookup CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_lookup_scntry2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating lookup CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_lookup_cntry2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating lookup CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_lookup_gor2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating lookup CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_lookup_ladua2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating lookup CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_lookup_msoa2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating lookup CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_lookup_lsoa2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating lookup CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_lookup_coa2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating adjacency CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_adjacency_ews2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography
Creating geometry CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_geometry_ews2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography

<--- Last few GCs --->

[17648:00000123C835AD90]    79285 ms: Mark-sweep 1565.0 (1629.7) -> 1565.0 (1630.7) MB, 114.9 / 0.0 ms  allocation failure GC in old space requested
[17648:00000123C835AD90]    79397 ms: Mark-sweep 1565.0 (1630.7) -> 1564.9 (1598.2) MB, 112.0 / 0.0 ms  last resort GC in old space requested
[17648:00000123C835AD90]    79511 ms: Mark-sweep 1564.9 (1598.2) -> 1564.9 (1598.2) MB, 113.1 / 0.0 ms  last resort GC in old space requested

<--- JS stacktrace --->

==== JS stack trace =========================================

Security context: 000001BA0F8A57C1 <JSObject>
    1: /* anonymous */ [C:\Users\phamb\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\node_modules\pg\lib\client.js:~107] [pc=000003501E21C756](this=00000373014B8E71 <Connection map = 0000031F751CEF99>,msg=00000237B13DF6D1 <DataRowMessage map = 00000189A6D84E59>)
    2: emitOne(aka emitOne) [events.js:~114] [pc=000003501E21541C](this=000000AC5A9022D1 <undefined>,handler=00000373014B8DE1...

FATAL ERROR: CALL_AND_RETRY_LAST Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
 1: node_module_register
 2: v8::internal::FatalProcessOutOfMemory
 3: v8::internal::FatalProcessOutOfMemory
 4: v8::internal::Factory::NewUninitializedFixedArray
 5: v8::internal::WasmDebugInfo::SetupForTesting
 6: v8::internal::interpreter::BytecodeArrayRandomIterator::UpdateOffsetFromIndex
 7: 000003501E0843C1

Solution: add --max-old-space-size=<max node memory in MB> flag, e.g.

node --max-old-space-size=4096 C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\pgTileMaker.js --database sahsuland_dev -V

Hierarchy Issues

E.g. Postgres processing failed after 2:26 (hours) at statement 421/601 hierarchy checks (check_intersections.sql):

psql:pg_EWS2011.sql:6524: WARNING:  Geography: EWS2011 geolevel 7: [coa2011] spurious additional codes: 2
psql:pg_EWS2011.sql:6524: INFO:  Geography: EWS2011 geolevel 1: [scntry2011] no multiple hierarchy codes
psql:pg_EWS2011.sql:6524: INFO:  Geography: EWS2011 geolevel 2: [cntry2011] no multiple hierarchy codes
psql:pg_EWS2011.sql:6524: INFO:  Geography: EWS2011 geolevel 3: [gor2011] no multiple hierarchy codes
psql:pg_EWS2011.sql:6524: INFO:  Geography: EWS2011 geolevel 4: [ladua2011] no multiple hierarchy codes
psql:pg_EWS2011.sql:6524: INFO:  Geography: EWS2011 geolevel 5: [msoa2011] no multiple hierarchy codes
psql:pg_EWS2011.sql:6524: INFO:  Geography: EWS2011 geolevel 6: [lsoa2011] no multiple hierarchy codes
psql:pg_EWS2011.sql:6524: ERROR:  Geography: EWS2011 codes check 0 missing, 1 spurious additional, 0 hierarchy fails
CONTEXT:  PL/pgSQL function inline_code_block line 41 at RAISE
Time: 1714.103 ms

The transaction BEGIN/END statements had already been removed from pg_EWS2011.sql so that the previous objects up to and including the hierarchy table were committed.

Hierarchy insert took 83 minutes. Two rows are missing from the hierarchy are:

sahsuland_dev=> SELECT coa2011 FROM lookup_coa2011
sahsuland_dev->                 EXCEPT
sahsuland_dev->                 SELECT coa2011 FROM hierarchy_ews2011;
(2 rows)

These are in Cardiff and are small:

SELECT coa2011, lsoa11_1, lad11nm, msoa11nm, area_km2, geographic_centroid_wkt, ST_ASText(ST_Transform(geographic_centroid, 27700)) AS osgb
FROM coa2011
WHERE coa2011 IN ('W00010143', 'W00010161');
  coa2011  | lsoa11_1  | lad11nm |  msoa11nm   |    area_km2     |            geographic_centroid_wkt            |                   osgb
 W00010161 | W01001945 | Cardiff | Cardiff 048 | 0.0147534816105 | POINT (-3.1781555521064697 51.45499419539898) | POINT(318235.967585802 173549.01243282)
 W00010143 | W01001945 | Cardiff | Cardiff 048 |  0.009281476807 | POINT (-3.1768272276630127 51.45381197706475) | POINT(318326.146578801 173416.053359773)
(2 rows)

That COA2011 only is affected means that the upper intersections are fine.

The hierarchy check failure may have been caused by oversimplification of higher layers (SCNTRY, CNTRY) leading to the exclusion to the two census output areas.:

Cardiff COA2001 issue map

To be in the hierarchy the intersection code insert_hierarchy.sql selects the intersection with the largest intersection by area for each (higher resolution). This eliminates duplicates and picks the most likely intersection on the basis of area. There are two possible reasons for this failure:

The following SQL was derived from code generated by insert_hierarchy.sql:

WITH x12 AS ( /* Subqueries x12 ... x67: intersection aggregate geometries starting from the lowest resolution.
	       Created using N-1 geoevels cross joins rather than 1 to minimise cross join size and hence improve performance.
	       Calculate the area of the higher resolution geolevel and the area of the intersected area */
SELECT a1.areaid AS scntry2011, a2.areaid AS cntry2011,
       ST_Area(a2.geom_9) AS a2_area,
       ST_Area(ST_Intersection(a1.geom_9, a2.geom_9)) AS a12_area
  FROM scntry2011 a1 CROSS JOIN cntry2011 a2
 WHERE ST_Intersects(a1.geom_9, a2.geom_9)
), x23 AS ( /* Subqueries x23 ... x67: intersection aggregate geometries starting from the lowest resolution.
	       Created using N-1 geoevels cross joins rather than 1 to minimise cross join size and hence improve performance.
	       Calculate the area of the higher resolution geolevel and the area of the intersected area */
SELECT a2.areaid AS cntry2011, a3.areaid AS gor2011,
       ST_Area(a3.geom_9) AS a3_area,
       ST_Area(ST_Intersection(a2.geom_9, a3.geom_9)) AS a23_area
  FROM cntry2011 a2 CROSS JOIN gor2011 a3
 WHERE ST_Intersects(a2.geom_9, a3.geom_9)
), x34 AS ( /* Subqueries x34 ... x67: intersection aggregate geometries starting from the lowest resolution.
	       Created using N-1 geoevels cross joins rather than 1 to minimise cross join size and hence improve performance.
	       Calculate the area of the higher resolution geolevel and the area of the intersected area */
SELECT a3.areaid AS gor2011, a4.areaid AS ladua2011,
       ST_Area(a4.geom_9) AS a4_area,
       ST_Area(ST_Intersection(a3.geom_9, a4.geom_9)) AS a34_area
  FROM gor2011 a3 CROSS JOIN ladua2011 a4
 WHERE ST_Intersects(a3.geom_9, a4.geom_9)
), x45 AS ( /* Subqueries x45 ... x67: intersection aggregate geometries starting from the lowest resolution.
	       Created using N-1 geoevels cross joins rather than 1 to minimise cross join size and hence improve performance.
	       Calculate the area of the higher resolution geolevel and the area of the intersected area */
SELECT a4.areaid AS ladua2011, a5.areaid AS msoa2011,
       ST_Area(a5.geom_9) AS a5_area,
       ST_Area(ST_Intersection(a4.geom_9, a5.geom_9)) AS a45_area
  FROM ladua2011 a4 CROSS JOIN msoa2011 a5
 WHERE ST_Intersects(a4.geom_9, a5.geom_9)
), x56 AS ( /* Subqueries x56 ... x67: intersection aggregate geometries starting from the lowest resolution.
	       Created using N-1 geoevels cross joins rather than 1 to minimise cross join size and hence improve performance.
	       Calculate the area of the higher resolution geolevel and the area of the intersected area */
SELECT a5.areaid AS msoa2011, a6.areaid AS lsoa2011,
       ST_Area(a6.geom_9) AS a6_area,
       ST_Area(ST_Intersection(a5.geom_9, a6.geom_9)) AS a56_area
  FROM msoa2011 a5 CROSS JOIN lsoa2011 a6
 WHERE ST_Intersects(a5.geom_9, a6.geom_9)
), x67 AS ( /* Subqueries x67 ... x67: intersection aggregate geometries starting from the lowest resolution.
	       Created using N-1 geoevels cross joins rather than 1 to minimise cross join size and hence improve performance.
	       Calculate the area of the higher resolution geolevel and the area of the intersected area */
SELECT a6.areaid AS lsoa2011, a7.areaid AS coa2011,
       ST_Area(a7.geom_9) AS a7_area,
       ST_Area(ST_Intersection(a6.geom_9, a7.geom_9)) AS a67_area
  FROM lsoa2011 a6 CROSS JOIN coa2011 a7
 WHERE ST_Intersects(a6.geom_9, a7.geom_9)
   AND a7.coa2011 IN ('W00010143','W00010161')
SELECT x12.scntry2011,
       CASE WHEN x12.a2_area > 0 THEN x12.a12_area/x12.a2_area ELSE NULL END test12,
       MAX(x12.a12_area/x12.a2_area) OVER (PARTITION BY x12.cntry2011) AS max12,
       CASE WHEN x23.a3_area > 0 THEN x23.a23_area/x23.a3_area ELSE NULL END test23,
       MAX(x23.a23_area/x23.a3_area) OVER (PARTITION BY x23.gor2011) AS max23,
       CASE WHEN x34.a4_area > 0 THEN x34.a34_area/x34.a4_area ELSE NULL END test34,
       MAX(x34.a34_area/x34.a4_area) OVER (PARTITION BY x34.ladua2011) AS max34,
       CASE WHEN x45.a5_area > 0 THEN x45.a45_area/x45.a5_area ELSE NULL END test45,
       MAX(x45.a45_area/x45.a5_area) OVER (PARTITION BY x45.msoa2011) AS max45,
       CASE WHEN x56.a6_area > 0 THEN x56.a56_area/x56.a6_area ELSE NULL END test56,
       MAX(x56.a56_area/x56.a6_area) OVER (PARTITION BY x56.lsoa2011) AS max56,
       CASE WHEN x67.a7_area > 0 THEN x67.a67_area/x67.a7_area ELSE NULL END test67,
       MAX(x67.a67_area/x67.a7_area) OVER (PARTITION BY x67.coa2011) AS max67
  FROM x12, x23, x34, x45, x56, x67
 WHERE x12.cntry2011 = x23.cntry2011
   AND x23.gor2011 = x34.gor2011
   AND x34.ladua2011 = x45.ladua2011
   AND x45.msoa2011 = x56.msoa2011
   AND x56.lsoa2011 = x67.lsoa2011
 ORDER BY 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7;

This, unsurprisingly, returned no rows, suggesting the problem is with the intersection and not the area:

  scntry2011 | cntry2011 | gor2011 | ladua2011 | msoa2011 | lsoa2011 | coa2011 | test12 | max12 | test23 | max23 | test34 | max34 | test45 | max45 | test56 | max56 | test67 | max67
 (0 rows)

This in turn implies the problem may be with the COA2011, LSOA2011 intersection, common table expression: x67; as shown by the below map. The records will be manually inserted to fix the problem.

Cardiff COA2001 intersection issue map

The following Postgres SQL was added to pg_EWS2011.sql immediately after the hierarchy insert.

	SELECT DISTINCT scntry2011,cntry2011, gor2011, ladua2011, msoa2011, lsoa2011
	  FROM hierarchy_ews2011
	 WHERE lsoa2011 = 'W01001945' /* Where it should be */
), b AS (
	SELECT coa2011, lsoa11_1
      FROM coa2011
     WHERE coa2011 IN ('W00010143', 'W00010161')
INSERT INTO hierarchy_ews2011 (scntry2011, cntry2011, gor2011, ladua2011, msoa2011, lsoa2011, coa2011)
SELECT a.*, b.coa2011
  FROM a, b
 WHERE a.lsoa2011 = b.lsoa11_1
   AND b.coa2011 NOT IN (SELECT coa2011 FROM hierarchy_ews2011);

The SQL Server SQL code will be the same.

This can also be added to geoDataLoader.xml just below the top level <geoDataLoader>:

	SELECT DISTINCT scntry2011,cntry2011, gor2011, ladua2011, msoa2011, lsoa2011
	  FROM hierarchy_ews2011
	 WHERE lsoa2011 = 'W01001945' /* Where it should be */
), b AS (
	SELECT coa2011, lsoa11_1
      FROM coa2011
     WHERE coa2011 IN ('W00010143', 'W00010161') /* Missing */
INSERT INTO hierarchy_ews2011 (scntry2011, cntry2011, gor2011, ladua2011, msoa2011, lsoa2011, coa2011)
SELECT a.*, b.coa2011
  FROM a, b
 WHERE a.lsoa2011 = b.lsoa11_1
   AND b.coa2011 NOT IN (SELECT coa2011 FROM hierarchy_ews2011)

This SQL will then be inserted just after insert_hierarchy.sql and before the checks. The SQL should be in a CDATA block and should NOT have a terminating comma.

SQL Server disk space and memory Issues

Large database post processing can easily fill up the database and exhaust the memory. SQL Server does not release memory willingly and database compaction (shrinking) has to be done manually.

It is advised to do this before any big run.

Running the Tile Maker


Install the required Node.js modules. Change directory into the rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices:

cd C:\Users\phamb\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices

If you do not have make, type:

mkdir node_modules/pg-native
npm install --save pg-native
npm install JSZip@2.6.0
npm install --save request JSZip turf geojson2svg clone object-sizeof form-data magic-globals helmet pg pg-native mssql msnodesqlv8 srs xml2js async reproject mapshaper forever shapefile node-uuid chroma-js jszip express morgan topojson request-debug cjson wellknown svg2png svg2png-many connect-busboy winston

To update the modules type npm update --save.

The tile Maker is a web application, so you need to start the server. The Makefile has a number of targets to help with this:

Again, these commands can be run by hand;

Stop example:

C:\Users\phamb\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices>make server-start
Debug level set to default: 1
node_modules\\forever\\bin\\forever start -c "node --max-old-space-size=4096 --expose-gc" -verbose -l forever.log -e forever.err -o forever.log --append ./expressServer.js
warn:    --minUptime not set. Defaulting to: 1000ms
warn:    --spinSleepTime not set. Your script will exit if it does not stay up for at least 1000ms
info:    Forever processing file: ./expressServer.js

Stop example:

C:\Users\phamb\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices>  node node_modules\forever\bin\forever stop -verbose -l forever.log -e forever.err -o forever.log --append ./expressServer.js
info:    Forever stopped process:
    uid  command                                    script                                                                                forever pid   id logfile                             uptime
[0] b_rz node --max-old-space-size=4096 --expose-gc C:\Users\phamb\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility\rifNodeServices\expressServer.js 37284   33616    C:\Users\phamb\.forever\forever.log 0:0:9:31.853

Finally, start the tile maker application in a browser Tile Maker Start Screen

The following browsers have been tested:

Processing Overview

GUI phase:

  1. The tile maker web application is used to upload and convert shapefiles and simplifies the GeoJSON geometry. The web application generates scripts and the tile maker configuration file: geoDataLoader.xml;
  2. The user then downloads the processed data from server;

GUI phase then proceeds to script phase:

  1. Run a SQL script. This loads the processed CSV data into the database (both Postgres and SQL Server are supported). The data is then cleaned and processed by the script into geospatial data tables, data for tiles and the hierarchy and lookup tables needed by the RIF;
  2. A tile manufacture node script is then run. This makes the topoJSON tiles; dumps geospatial table data to CSV files for the load scripts.
  3. The RIF production load SQL script can now be run. This script loads and configure the geospatial data into your RIF database;
  4. You can view the tiles using the tile viewer application.

The first load/clean/setup SQL script and the tile maker will be integrated into the web services at a later date. All the processing will then be in the front end and this leaves the user only needing to install the processed data into the database.

Processing concepts:

Running the Front End

The tile maker web application is used to:

  1. Upload a set of shapefiles (see next section for format), this optionally contains the tile maker configuration file: geoDataLoader.xml. The field names must be in upper case. For first run through setup:

    The descriptions may be pre-entered for you if you have an ESRI extended attributes file (.shp.ea.iso.xml)

    SAHSUland setup

    So as a worked example for the United States to county level:

    USA County setup

    Note that you can also change:

    The web application then:

    1. Converts the shapefiles to first GeoJSON the TopoJSON format in the WGS84 projection;
    2. Simplifies the GeoJSON geometry using the Visvalingam algorithm;
    3. Generates SQL scripts and the tile maker configuration file: geoDataLoader.xml;

    Informative message appear at the bottom of the screen: Tile maker processing messages

    Tile maker processing messages are also found in the forever.err log, e.g:

    Tile-maker example log

    Finally a map is displayed of the adminstrative geography: Tile maker map

  2. The user then downloads the processed data from server using the two download buttons in the shapefile selector tab. The Download configuration” button returns an XML file e.g. *shpConvertGetConfig_66d8a532-bb2c-4304-8e2b-ffde330b88fa.xml; this is the geoDataLoader.xml for the run.

    The Download processed files button is currently not worked ans the underlying ZIP file is NOT implemented and it will produce an error:

    * LOG START *********************************************************************
    Fri Jun 01 2018 17:25:23 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
    [httpErrorResponse:143; function: httpErrorResponseAddStatusCallback();
    Url: /shpConvertGetResults.zip?uuidV1=1dca95fe-7f68-4edc-9bc6-56dc76130920; ip: ::ffff:]
    httpErrorResponse sent; size: 532 bytes:
    Output: {"error":"ENOENT: no such file or directory, stat 'C:\\Users\\Peter\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\shpConvert\\1dca95fe-7f68-4edc-9bc6-56dc76130920\\geoDataLoader.zip'","no_files":0,"field_errors":0,"file_errors":0,"file_list":[],"message":"shpConvertGetResults(): \nresults ZIP file: C:/Users/Peter/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/1dca95fe-7f68-4edc-9bc6-56dc76130920/geoDataLoader.zip does not exist","diagnostic":"\n\nIn: shpConvertGetResults()","fields":{"uuidV1":"1dca95fe-7f68-4edc-9bc6-56dc76130920","xmlFileName":"geoDataLoader.zip"}}
    No errors
    * LOG END ***********************************************************************

    The files cab be found in your TMP directory, in Windows: C:\Users\<Windows user>\AppData\Local\Temp\shpConvert\<unique file name>

    e.g. C:\Users\Peter\AppData\Local\Temp\shpConvert\66d8a532-bb2c-4304-8e2b-ffde330b88fa

    The structure of archive is:

Shapefile Format

The best approach is to have each administrative geography in your hierarchy as single ZIP file containing a set of shapefiles. The tile maker requires two or more shapefiles with:

There is a one-to-one relationship between geometry and attributes, which is based on record number. Attribute records in the dBASE file must be in the same order as records in the main file.

Optional files:

Other files not required by the tile Maker:

The usual layout for the tilemaker ZIP file is:

This allows the tile maker runs to be re-produced exactly.

Make sure you:

Shapefile Naming Requirements

The AreaID field will be the name of column used throughout the administrative geography and must be:

See the 2.4.3 Renaming fields in a shapefile example below.

The file name of the ZIP file is the code for the geography. This can be changed in the front end.

Handling Large Shapefiles

Large shapefiles are those bigger than 500MB in size or with more than 100,000 records. The England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census has census output area as it highest resolution with 227,759 feature and is 1.04GB in size. Pre-processing to reduce the shapefile size by 80% reduces this to 240MB with acceptable loss in quality. The maximum zoomlevel can easily be set to 9, this removes two simplification passes with no reduction in overall quality. This will also speed up the SQL post processing by a factor of 16.

In the England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census there a four further levels with increasing administrative boundary size to (Government office) region; and a sixth highest level of country.

A key factor is visualizing a suitable amount of initial simplification using the mapshaper GUI, see: pre processing shapefiles:

These leads to the following conclusions:

After shapefile reduction by 80% the total size of all the files in the administrative geography is 480MB. This is a simplification factor of 0.8. Fine tuning lead to 98% simplification for boundary maps, e.g. UK and UK constituent countries.

Take care to ensure the the input shapefile is valid (i.e. use the -clean flag in mapshaper); and keep the boundary maps simple. If they are mapped at high scale they tend to contain many small islands which can become invalid during simplification. These take a long time to fix; for the UK no pre-simplification took two hours to fix, 98% simplification took 7 seconds!

The Node.js server program needs to be able to read each shapefile in turn and then store the GeoJSON in memory. This leads to a memory requirement of 40x the total size of the shapefiles with a maximum zoomlevel of 9.

The server is pre-configured with 4GB of memory in the Makefile. To change the memory in use alter NODE_MAX_MEMORY= to the new value in MB: NODE_MAX_MEMORY?=24576. The ? is important, it allows the value to be set without altering the Makefile. There are four ways to achieve this:

  1. Altering the Makefile:
      FOREVER_OPTIONS=--max-old-space-size=$(NODE_MAX_MEMORY) --expose-gc
  2. Set NODE_MAX_MEMORY in the environment;
  3. Use make server-start NODE_MAX_MEMORY=24576 to set on the command line. This will work for the other stop/restart make targets;
  4. Manual start - change --max-old-space-size=4096 to --max-old-space-size=24576:
      rm -f forever.err forever.log
      node node_modules\forever\bin\forever start -c "node --max-old-space-size=24576 --expose-gc" -verbose -l forever.log -e forever.err -o forever.log --append ./expressServer.js

Pre Processing Shapefiles

Huge shapefiles need to be pre processed using mapshaper down to a more reasonable size. mapshaper has browser and command line based versions and handles large files well. Do NOT use the web based version http://mapshaper.org/ as it is limited to 100MB.

Install mapshaper globally using npm install -g mapshaper:

C:\Users\phamb\Documents\GitHub\rapidInquiryFacility>npm install -g mapshaper
C:\Users\phamb\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper -> C:\Users\phamb\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mapshaper\bin\mapshaper
C:\Users\phamb\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper-xl -> C:\Users\phamb\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mapshaper\bin\mapshaper-xl
C:\Users\phamb\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper-gui -> C:\Users\phamb\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\mapshaper\bin\mapshaper-gui
+ mapshaper@0.4.80
added 17 packages in 2.913s

On Windows there are two commands available:

mapshaper is a complex tool with many options mapshaper WIKI. In addition to simplification:

Other tools available are:

The following mapshaper options were used:


To display information about a shapefile

To display information about a shapefile: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd COA\coa11_clip.shp -info

C:\Users\phamb\Documents\Local Data Loading\RIF2011>C:\Users\phamb\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd COA\coa11_clip.shp -info
Layer 1 *
Layer name: coa11_clip
Records: 227,759
  Type: polygon
  Bounds: 5513 5337.9 655604.7 1220301.5
  Proj.4: +proj=tmerc +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +lon_0=-2 +k_0=0.9996012717 +lat_0=49 +datum=OSGB36
Attribute data
  Field     First value
  Area      49974.435826
  Area_km2      0.049974435826
  COA11     'E00062113'
  LAD11     'E06000005'
  LAD11NM   'Darlington'
  LSOA11_1  'E01012316'
  LSOA11NM  'Darlington 010B'
  MSOA11    'E02002568'
  MSOA11NM  'Darlington 010'

Simplifying a shapefile

To simplify a shapefile by 50% in size, repair overlaps and fill small gaps between adjacent polygons and produce a new shapefile in the EWS2011 directory: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i COA\*.shp snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile -verbose

C:\Users\phamb\Documents\Local Data Loading\RIF2011>C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i COA\*.shp snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile -verbose
[i] Importing: COA\coa11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 54928 points
[i] - 31757ms
[simplify] Repaired 38 intersections; 212 intersections could not be repaired
[simplify] Simplification statistics
   Method: Weighted Visvalingam (planar) (weighting=0.7)
   Removed vertices: 17,787,587
      49.3% of 36,051,631 unique coordinate locations
      50.0% of 35,575,670 filterable coordinate locations
   Simplification threshold: 0.4924
   Collapsed rings: 20
   Displacement statistics
      Mean displacement: 0.0096
      Max displacement: 20.0861
      Quartiles: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
   Vertex angle statistics
      Mean angle: 155.10 degrees
      Quartiles: 148.00, 166.51, 173.76
[simplify] - 32224ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 1130ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 3496, enclosures: 4630) 1637ms
[clean] Build mosaic 2770ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 2413ms
[clean] Retained 227,759 of 227,759 features
[clean] - 27774ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\coa11_clip.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\coa11_clip.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\coa11_clip.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\coa11_clip.prj
[o] - 15673ms

Renaming fields in a shapefile

To simplify a shapefile by 50% in size, repair overlaps and fill small gaps between adjacent polygons and produce a new shapefile in the EWS2011 directory: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i COA\*.shp snap -rename-fields COA2011=COA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile -verbose

C:\Users\phamb\Documents\Local Data Loading\RIF2011>C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i  COA\*.shp snap -rename-fields COA2011=COA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile -verbose
[i] Importing: COA\coa11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 54928 points
[i] - 30723ms
[rename-fields] - 1034ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\coa11_clip.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\coa11_clip.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\coa11_clip.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\coa11_clip.prj
[o] - 25844ms

Simplifying multiple shapefiles

To simplify a geography 25%, repair overlaps and fill small gaps between adjacent polygons and produce a new renamed shapefile in the EWS2011 directory. Note the grouping and repetition of the commands; this is essentially five commands concatenated together:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd ^
-i COA\*.shp name=COA2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields COA2011=COA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
-i LSOA\*.shp name=LSOA2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields LSOA2011=LSOA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
-i MSOA\*.shp name=MSOA2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields MSOA2011=MSOA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
-i District\*.shp name=LADUA2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields LADUA2011=LADUA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
-i Region\*.shp name=GOR2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields GOR2011=geo_code,GOR_NAME=geo_label -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
C:\Users\phamb\Documents\Local Data Loading\RIF2011>C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd ^
More? -i COA\*.shp name=COA2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields COA2011=COA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
More? -i LSOA\*.shp name=LSOA2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields LSOA2011=LSOA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
More? -i MSOA\*.shp name=MSOA2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields MSOA2011=MSOA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
More? -i District\*.shp name=LADUA2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields LADUA2011=LADUA11 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
More? -i Region\*.shp name=GOR2011 snap -simplify 0.5 stats -clean -rename-fields GOR2011=geo_code,GOR_NAME=geo_label -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
More? -verbose
[i] Importing: COA\coa11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 54928 points
[i] - 38393ms
[simplify] Repaired 1,073 intersections; 69 intersections could not be repaired
[simplify] Simplification statistics
   Method: Weighted Visvalingam (planar) (weighting=0.7)
   Removed vertices: 28,460,780
      78.9% of 36,051,631 unique coordinate locations
      80.0% of 35,575,670 filterable coordinate locations
   Simplification threshold: 5.9781
   Collapsed rings: 1,766
   Displacement statistics
      Mean displacement: 1.2519
      Max displacement: 585.3023
      Quartiles: 0.00, 0.74, 1.55
   Vertex angle statistics
      Mean angle: 141.88 degrees
      Quartiles: 120.36, 151.68, 168.06
[simplify] - 24211ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 981ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 1848, enclosures: 4536) 988ms
[clean] Build mosaic 1973ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 2180ms
[clean] Retained 227,750 of 227,759 features
[clean] - 18007ms
[rename-fields] - 126ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\COA2011.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\COA2011.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\COA2011.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\COA2011.prj
[o] - 8712ms
[i] Importing: LSOA\LSOA11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 28149 points
[i] - 17988ms
[simplify] Repaired 302 intersections; 1 intersection could not be repaired
[simplify] Simplification statistics
   Method: Weighted Visvalingam (planar) (weighting=0.7)
   Removed vertices: 13,987,029
      79.6% of 17,573,633 unique coordinate locations
      80.0% of 17,484,011 filterable coordinate locations
   Simplification threshold: 6.1054
   Collapsed rings: 208
   Displacement statistics
      Mean displacement: 1.1515
      Max displacement: 301.2329
      Quartiles: 0.00, 0.68, 1.44
   Vertex angle statistics
      Mean angle: 144.18 degrees
      Quartiles: 123.53, 155.47, 170.13
[simplify] - 11329ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 233ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 182, enclosures: 671) 135ms
[clean] Build mosaic 372ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 424ms
[clean] Retained 41,729 of 41,729 features
[clean] - 5215ms
[rename-fields] - 14ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\LSOA2011.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\LSOA2011.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\LSOA2011.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\LSOA2011.prj
[o] - 2295ms
[i] Importing: MSOA\MSOA11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 20697 points
[i] - 10260ms
[simplify] Repaired 94 intersections
[simplify] Simplification statistics
   Method: Weighted Visvalingam (planar) (weighting=0.7)
   Removed vertices: 8,065,203
      79.8% of 10,105,922 unique coordinate locations
      80.0% of 10,078,914 filterable coordinate locations
   Simplification threshold: 6.7475
   Collapsed rings: 2,181
   Displacement statistics
      Mean displacement: 1.5862
      Max displacement: 1118.9583
      Quartiles: 0.24, 0.95, 1.83
   Vertex angle statistics
      Mean angle: 146.13 degrees
      Quartiles: 129.24, 156.78, 170.10
[simplify] - 8674ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 83ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 1159, enclosures: 1118) 191ms
[clean] Build mosaic 282ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 224ms
[clean] Retained 8,480 of 8,480 features
[clean] - 2453ms
[rename-fields] - 4ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\MSOA2011.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\MSOA2011.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\MSOA2011.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\MSOA2011.prj
[o] - 1452ms
[i] Importing: District\District11_SAHSU_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 27497 points
[i] - 2201ms
[simplify] Repaired 25 intersections
[simplify] Simplification statistics
   Method: Weighted Visvalingam (planar) (weighting=0.7)
   Removed vertices: 1,942,659
      79.8% of 2,434,247 unique coordinate locations
      80.0% of 2,427,993 filterable coordinate locations
   Simplification threshold: 10.9538
   Collapsed rings: 301
   Displacement statistics
      Mean displacement: 3.3641
      Max displacement: 559.1203
      Quartiles: 0.88, 1.87, 3.62
   Vertex angle statistics
      Mean angle: 146.46 degrees
      Quartiles: 131.53, 155.64, 168.71
[simplify] - 2630ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 20ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 1, enclosures: 573) 77ms
[clean] Build mosaic 99ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 44ms
[clean] Retained 380 of 380 features
[clean] - 576ms
[rename-fields] - 0ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\LADUA2011.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\LADUA2011.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\LADUA2011.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\LADUA2011.prj
[o] - 161ms
[i] Importing: Region\region11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 42648 points
[i] - 2353ms
[simplify] Repaired 59 intersections
[simplify] Simplification statistics
   Method: Weighted Visvalingam (planar) (weighting=0.7)
   Removed vertices: 2,778,357
      79.5% of 3,496,142 unique coordinate locations
      80.0% of 3,469,941 filterable coordinate locations
   Simplification threshold: 9.3525
   Collapsed rings: 2,477
   Displacement statistics
      Mean displacement: 4.5091
      Max displacement: 1249.3872
      Quartiles: 1.35, 2.42, 4.41
   Vertex angle statistics
      Mean angle: 141.25 degrees
      Quartiles: 125.17, 148.90, 163.65
[simplify] - 4042ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 41ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 852, enclosures: 4224) 622ms
[clean] Build mosaic 667ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 341ms
[clean] Retained 11 of 11 features
[clean] - 1755ms
[rename-fields] - 0ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\GOR2011.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\GOR2011.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\GOR2011.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\GOR2011.prj
[o] - 608ms

Dissolving a shapefile

To dissolve a geography - UK regions (GOR2011) to UK Countries.

Step 1: Edit the DBF file using QGIS to add country_co and country_na as follows. This provides the correct code to dissolve onto. This possibly could be done programatically using mapshaper.

To dump DBF to CSV: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i Region\*.shp -o Region\region11_clip.csv format=csv -verbose:

Old DBF file data:

E12000006 East of England  
E12000003 Yorkshire and The Humber  
E12000008 South East  
E12000004 East Midlands  
E12000007 London  
E12000009 South West  
E12000005 West Midlands  
E12000002 North West  
E12000001 North East  
W08000001 Wales 10
S15000001 Scotland 11

New DBF file data:

GOR2011 GOR_NAME EER11CDO country_co country_na
E12000006 East of England   E92000001 England
E12000003 Yorkshire and The Humber   E92000001 England
E12000008 South East   E92000001 England
E12000004 East Midlands   E92000001 England
E12000007 London   E92000001 England
E12000009 South West   E92000001 England
E12000005 West Midlands   E92000001 England
E12000002 North West   E92000001 England
E12000001 North East   E92000001 England
W08000001 Wales 10 W92000004 Wales
S15000001 Scotland 11 S92000003 Scotland

GOR2011 map

Step 2: Create Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp renaming country_co to geo_code and country_na to geo_label, simplifying as usual:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd ^
-i Region\*.shp name=CNTRY2011 snap ^
-simplify 0.2 -clean ^
-each 'CNTRY2011=country_co,CNTRYNAME=country_na' ^
-o Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp format=shapefile ^
C:\Users\phamb\Documents\Local Data Loading\RIF2011>C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd ^
More? -i Region\*.shp name=CNTRY2011 snap ^
More? -simplify 0.2 -clean ^
More? -each 'CNTRY2011=country_co,CNTRYNAME=country_na' ^
More? -o Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp format=shapefile ^
More? -verbose
[i] Importing: Region\region11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 42648 points
[i] - 1578ms
[simplify] Repaired 59 intersections
[simplify] - 2715ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 94ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 852, enclosures: 4224) 785ms
[clean] Build mosaic 882ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 340ms
[clean] Retained 11 of 11 features
[clean] - 2082ms
[each] - 2ms
[o] Wrote Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp
[o] Wrote Cntry\cntry11_clip.shx
[o] Wrote Cntry\cntry11_clip.dbf
[o] Wrote Cntry\cntry11_clip.prj
[o] - 281ms

Step 3: View new data. To dump DBF to CSV: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp -o Cntry\cntry11_clip.csv format=csv -verbose:

cntry2011 geo_label EER11CDO country_co country_na
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
E92000001 England   E92000001 England
W92000004 Wales 10 W92000004 Wales
S92000003 Scotland 11 S92000003 Scotland

Step 4: Using Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp dissolve on cntry2011, geo_label to create CNTRY2011.shp in the EWS2011 directory. Simplify an additional 90% as never used at high resolution:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd ^
-i Cntry\*.shp name=CNTRY2011 snap ^
-dissolve CNTRY2011,CNTRYNAME ^
-simplify 0.9 stats -clean ^
-o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
C:\Users\phamb\Documents\Local Data Loading\RIF2011>C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd ^
More? -i Cntry\*.shp name=CNTRY2011 snap ^
More? -dissolve CNTRY2011,CNTRYNAME ^
More? -simplify 0.1 stats -clean ^
More? -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
More? -verbose
[i] Importing: Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 551 points
[i] - 471ms
[dissolve] Dissolved 11 features into 3 features
[dissolve] - 21ms
[simplify] Repaired 48 intersections
[simplify] Simplification statistics
   Method: Weighted Visvalingam (planar) (weighting=0.7)
   Removed vertices: 71,347
      9.9% of 717,244 unique coordinate locations
      10.0% of 712,127 filterable coordinate locations
   Simplification threshold: 10.2021
   Collapsed rings: 182
   Displacement statistics
      Mean displacement: 7.3286
      Max displacement: 420.0315
      Quartiles: 3.02, 4.59, 7.23
   Vertex angle statistics
      Mean angle: 141.14 degrees
      Quartiles: 125.06, 148.73, 163.48
[simplify] - 840ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 31ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 774, enclosures: 4120) 830ms
[clean] Build mosaic 863ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 83ms
[clean] Retained 3 of 3 features
[clean] - 1566ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\CNTRY2011.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\CNTRY2011.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\CNTRY2011.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\CNTRY2011.prj
[o] - 250ms

Step 5: View new data. To dump DBF to CSV: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i EWS2011\CNTRY2011.shp -o EWS2011\CNTRY2011.csv format=csv -verbose:

geo_code geo_label
E92000001 England
W92000004 Wales
S92000003 Scotland

CNTRY2011 map

Step 6. Using Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp dissolve completely to create SCTRY2011.shp in the EWS2011 directory. Simplify an additional 90% as never used at high resolution:

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd ^
-i Cntry\*.shp name=SCNTRY2011 snap ^
-dissolve -each 'SCTRY2011=\"UK\",SCTRYNAME=\"United_Kingdom\"' ^
-simplify 0.1 stats -clean ^
 -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
C:\Users\phamb\Documents\Local Data Loading\RIF2011>C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd ^
More? -i Cntry\*.shp name=SCNTRY2011 snap ^
More? -dissolve -each 'SCTRY2011=\"UK\",SCTRYNAME=\"United_Kingdom\"' ^
More? -simplify 0.1 stats -clean ^
More?  -o EWS2011/ format=shapefile ^
More? -verbose
[i] Importing: Cntry\cntry11_clip.shp
[i] Snapped 551 points
[i] - 451ms
[dissolve] Dissolved 11 features into 1 feature
[dissolve] - 13ms
[each] - 2ms
[simplify] Repaired 82 intersections
[simplify] Simplification statistics
   Method: Weighted Visvalingam (planar) (weighting=0.7)
   Removed vertices: 644,936
      89.9% of 717,244 unique coordinate locations
      90.0% of 712,127 filterable coordinate locations
   Simplification threshold: 76.3803
   Collapsed rings: 4,144
   Displacement statistics
      Mean displacement: 53.8718
      Max displacement: 22207.0834
      Quartiles: 14.62, 26.03, 47.53
   Vertex angle statistics
      Mean angle: 136.65 degrees
      Quartiles: 120.17, 142.96, 158.32
[simplify] - 589ms
[clean] Find mosaic rings 5ms
[clean] Detect holes (holes: 208, enclosures: 724) 49ms
[clean] Build mosaic 56ms
[clean] Dissolve tiles 48ms
[clean] Retained 1 of 1 features
[clean] - 243ms
[o] Wrote EWS2011\SCNTRY2011.shp
[o] Wrote EWS2011\SCNTRY2011.shx
[o] Wrote EWS2011\SCNTRY2011.dbf
[o] Wrote EWS2011\SCNTRY2011.prj
[o] - 60ms

Step 7: View results of 2.4.4, 2.4.5 if run in sequence

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i EWS2011\*.shp -info

C:\Users\phamb\Documents\Local Data Loading\RIF2011>CALL C:\Users\phamb\AppData\Roaming\npm\mapshaper.cmd -i EWS2011\*.shp -info
Layer 1 *
Layer name: CNTRY2011
Records: 3
  Type: polygon
  Bounds: 5512.99982883349 5338.601595239976 655604.7000000002 1220301.5000000012
  Proj.4: +proj=tmerc +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +lon_0=-2 +k_0=0.9996012717 +lat_0=49 +datum=OSGB36
Attribute data
  Field      First value
  CNTRY2011  'E92000001\n'
  CNTRYNAME  'England'

Layer 1 *
Layer name: COA2011
Records: 227,750
  Type: polygon
  Bounds: 5513 5338.601000000001 655604.7 1220301.5
  Proj.4: +proj=tmerc +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +lon_0=-2 +k_0=0.9996012717 +lat_0=49 +datum=OSGB36
Attribute data
  Field     First value
  Area      49974.435826
  Area_km2      0.049974435826
  COA2011   'E00062113'
  LAD11     'E06000005'
  LAD11NM   'Darlington'
  LSOA11_1  'E01012316'
  LSOA11NM  'Darlington 010B'
  MSOA11    'E02002568'
  MSOA11NM  'Darlington 010'

Layer 1 *
Layer name: GOR2011
Records: 11
  Type: polygon
  Bounds: 5512.99982883349 5338.601595239976 655604.7000000002 1220301.5000000012
  Proj.4: +proj=tmerc +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +lon_0=-2 +k_0=0.9996012717 +lat_0=49 +datum=OSGB36
Attribute data
  Field       First value
  country_co  'E92000001\n'
  country_na  'England'
  EER11CDO    ''
  GOR2011     'E12000006'
  GOR_NAME    'East of England'

Layer 1 *
Layer name: LADUA2011
Records: 380
  Type: polygon
  Bounds: 7458.999995046033 7122.999930665916 655603.9999950442 1219570.8744639815
  Proj.4: +proj=tmerc +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +lon_0=-2 +k_0=0.9996012717 +lat_0=49 +datum=OSGB36
Attribute data
  Field       First value
  LADUA11_NM  'Hartlepool'
  LADUA2011   'E06000001'

Layer 1 *
Layer name: LSOA2011
Records: 41,729
  Type: polygon
  Bounds: 7458.999995046033 7122.999930665916 655603.9999950442 1219572.486894817
  Proj.4: +proj=tmerc +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +lon_0=-2 +k_0=0.9996012717 +lat_0=49 +datum=OSGB36
Attribute data
  Field     First value
  LSOA2011  'W01000111'
  X         247672.287819
  Y         361618.08299

Layer 1 *
Layer name: MSOA2011
Records: 8,480
  Type: polygon
  Bounds: 7458.9999950430065 7122.999930663878 655603.9999950434 1219570.8744639796
  Proj.4: +proj=tmerc +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +lon_0=-2 +k_0=0.9996012717 +lat_0=49 +datum=OSGB36
Attribute data
  Field      First value
  Area       346980330.243
  Area_km2         346.980330243
  MSOA11_NM  'Mid Nithsdale'
  MSOA2011   'S02001421'

Layer 1 *
Layer name: SCTRY2011
Records: 1
  Type: polygon
  Bounds: 5512.99982883349 5338.601595239976 655604.7000000002 1220301.5000000012
  Proj.4: +proj=tmerc +x_0=400000 +y_0=-100000 +lon_0=-2 +k_0=0.9996012717 +lat_0=49 +datum=OSGB36
Attribute data
  Field       First value
  SCTRY2011  'UK'
  SCNTRYNAME  'United_Kingdom'

Post Front End Processing

Typical post front end processing:

The SEER pre-processing script pg_load_seer_covariates.sql has a dependency on the cb_2014_us_nation_5m, cb_2014_us_state_500k and cb_2014_us_county_500l that are part of the tile maker pre-processing. The FIPS code is required to make the join and this field is not in the standard lookup tables. For this reason it is necessary to build the covariates table on sahsuland_dev. In the longer term the FIPS codes should be added to the lookup tables.

Geospatial Data Load

  1. Place the files in the archive data in a new directory together with the geoDataLoader.xml configuration file
  2. Load data into a non RIF40 Schema:

    Postgres data processing example log

    E.g: sqlcmd -U peter -P XXXXXXXXXXX -d sahsuland_dev -b -m-1 -e -r1 -i mssql_USA_2014.sql -v pwd="%cd%"

    SQL Server data processing example log

Data loading steps. These load the data and prepare it for tile manufacture:

Tile Manufacture

In the same directory as before run the tile Maker manufacturer. This has separate Postgres and SQL Server stubs calling a common tileMaker.js node.js core:

Script examples:

The CSV Files are created in a) the XML: directory defined in geoDataLoader.xml if the directory exists or b) the current working directory if it does not.

Creating hierarchy CSV file: C:/Users/phamb/AppData/Local/Temp/shpConvert/c01a6d67-dd9d-4380-9446-21470eafdcfd/data/pg_hierarchy_ews2011.csv for EWS2011: England, Wales and Scotland 2011 census Administatrive geography

Tile manufacturing steps:

Load Production Data into the RIF

  1. Load production data into RIF40 Schema.

    Postgres production data load log

    E.g: sqlcmd -U rif40 -P XXXXXXXXXXX -d sahsuland -b -m-1 -e -r1 -i rif_mssql_USA_2014.sql -v pwd="%cd%"

SQL Server production load example log

Load processed geometry and tiles tables into production database:

a) Integrate new geography with RIF40 control tables, i.e. add the data in:

  1. Test the RIF is setup correctly:

Add data, then:

TileMaker Source Code


TileMaker Server

TileMaker SQL Generation

TileMaker Web Application


The TileViewer is an experimental program to view tiles and to test the topoJSON technology used in the RIF. It also uses tile caching technology not enabled in the RIF web front end so may have browser compatibility issues. It currently uses both Postgres and SQL Server; both must be used for it to run.

To use the tileViwer you must

TileViewer example - Lower super output area in south east London: TileViewer example - Lower super output area in south east London

TileMaker TODO

TileMaker is currently working with some minor faults but needs to have in order of priority:

  1. Make ZIP file download work. A workaround is provided;
  2. Using lower case DBF file names will result in a crash;
  3. Needs to calculate geographic centroids using the database;
  4. Support for population weighted centroids]. In the interim this will be supported via script;
  5. UTF8/16 support (e.g. Slättåkra-Kvibille should not be mangled as at present);
  6. Support very large shapefiles (e.g. COA2011). This probably will require a rewrite of the shapefile reader to process area by area. The issue is with multipolygons. These are often multiple records in shapefiles and they need to be UNIOONed together. A workaround is provide in 2.4 Pre Processing Shapefiles;
  7. GUI’s needs to be merged and brought up to same standard as the rest of the RIF. The TileViewer screen is in better shape than the TileMaker screen. Probably the best solution is to use Angular;
  8. Add all DBF fields in shapefile to lookup table (i..e add FIPS codes);
  9. Support for database logon in the front end;
  10. Run the generated scripts in the Node.js server. This requires the ability to logon and PSQL copy needs to be replaced to SQL COPY from STDIN/to STDOUT with STDIN/STOUT file handlers in Node.js.

Peter Hambly, June 2018