RIF Taxonomy Services

  1. Introduction
    1. Configuration
    2. Troubleshooting Startup Issues
    3. How it works
      1. Taxonomy service REST calls
  2. Adding ICD 9 and ICD 11 support
    1. ICD 9
    2. ICD 11
  3. Adding new ontologies
  4. Issues


The RIF has a separate taxonomy service. It is intended to support a variety of ontologies; the first class of ontology being international classification of disease (ICD). It is anticipated that over time further ontologies will be added; for instance:


The file TaxonomyServicesConfiguration.xml in rapidInquiryFacility/rifServices/src/main/resources specifies the configuration for one or more taxonomy services. The parameter for the ICD 10 service is icd10_ClaML_file. It is shipped with a value of ExampleClaMLICD10Codes.xml. That file contains a cut-down version of the standard WHO file which needs to be licensed directly from the WHO.

For a full ICD10 listing add the following SAHSU supplied files (in Taxonomy services configuration files) to: %CATALINA_HOME%\conf and restart tomcat

Troubleshooting Startup Issues

The taxonomy services does not startup until the first first user logon. It has to load and process a number of different data sources, it is possible if you are quick to get the error “The system for supporting the taxonomy services has not yet been initialised” from the front end:

Taxonomy Services warning

These will go away if you wait!

Errors, which are normally caused by configuration issues are displayed as:

Taxonomy Services error

Look in the startup log. This is the normal case:

08:03:17.131 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] INFO  rifGenericLibrary.util.TaxonomyLogger : [TaxonomyLogger]: Created TaxonomyLogger: rifGenericLibrary.util.TaxonomyLogger
08:03:17.144 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] INFO  rifGenericLibrary.util.TaxonomyLogger : [TaxonomyLogger]: Set java.util.logging.manager=org.apache.logging.log4j.jul.LogManager
08:03:17.145 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] INFO  rifGenericLibrary.util.TaxonomyLogger : [taxonomyServices.RIFTaxonomyWebServiceApplication]:
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RIFTaxonomyWebServiceApplication !!!!!!
08:03:18.747 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] INFO  rifGenericLibrary.util.TaxonomyLogger : [taxonomyServices.ICD10TaxonomyTermParser]:
ICD10TaxonomyTermParser 2
08:03:39.623 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] INFO  rifGenericLibrary.util.TaxonomyLogger : [org.sahsu.taxonomyservices.ClaMlTaxonomyService]:
icd101/1TaxonomyParser: ICD Taxonomy Service read: "C:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 8.5\conf\icdClaML2016ens.xml".
08:03:39.623 [http-nio-8080-exec-8] INFO  rifGenericLibrary.util.TaxonomyLogger : [org.sahsu.taxonomyservices.ClaMlTaxonomyService]:
icd101/1TaxonomyParser: ICD Taxonomy Service initialised: ICD 10 is a classification of diseases..

Check the taxonomy services configuration file TaxonomyServicesConfiguration.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<name>ICD Taxonomy Service</name>
		<description>International classification of diseases and related health problems 10th revision (2016 version).</description>

How it works

The configuration file is read and parsed and for each listed taxonomy service the <ontology_service_class_name> is loaded (e.g. org.sahsu.taxonomyservices.ClaMlTaxonomyService) and the initialise() method called.

The class then loads and parses the file specified in the <ontology_service_class_name> element of the configuration file, and sets a taxonomy services manager. For ICD 10, for example, the code for this is in ICD10TaxonomyTermParser.java in the rifGenericLibrary.taxonomyServices package. The taxonomy services manager is used by the taxonomy service REST calls and then the front end.

Taxonomy service REST calls

The following do not appear to be in use:

Adding ICD 9 and ICD 11 support


To create an ICD 9 service, you would make a class along the lines of org.sahsu.taxonomyservices.ClaMlTaxonomyService and ensure it implemented the interface rifGenericLibrary.taxonomyServices.TaxonomyServiceAPI. Note that most of the code used to support taxonomy services is generic and does not rely on RIF concepts - this is why it is found in the rifGenericLibrary.taxonomyServices package.

This would need to parse the CSV file into a similar structure to that used by the CLaML parser and implement the required REST service callbacks.

ICD 11

Support for ICD 11 has been added to the ICDTaxonomyService; the parameter file is called icd11_ClaML_file. The following configuration would support both ICD10 and ICD11.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
		<name>ICD Taxonomy Service</name>
		<description>International classification of diseases and related health problems 10th revision (2016 version).</description>

		<name>ICD Taxonomy Service</name>
		<description>International classification of diseases and related health problems 11th revision (2018 version).</description>

There are a number of inter related assumptions here that may not be correct:

Whilst it would be useful for the RIF to support ICD 11 as a training and familiarization; medical data containing ICD 11 code is probably a decade away.

Adding new ontologies

Adding a new service can be very simple. See here for how to add new services.


The taxonomy services has the following issues:

These are intended to be resolved in the period May-September 2018 when ICD 9 support is added.