ALGAE Data Dictionary: Early life stage sensitivity variables (algae6200-algae6204)

An automated protocol for assigning early life exposures to longitudinal cohort studies

ALGAE Data Dictionary: Early life stage covariates (algae6200-algae6204)

by Kevin Garwood

Context of Variables

They describe aspects of cleaning and movement patterns within life stages of the early life analysis. The main variables for each life stage of each study member are:
  • the number of distinct days that were involved in gaps or overlaps
  • the number of distinct addresses occupied
  • the number of moves

Location of Result File

You will find these variables in a file having a name that fits the form:
res_early_stage_sense_variables_[Date stamp].csv
which will be found in the directory:

Example Result File

See here.

Variable Naming Conventions

All the variables in this section begin with algae62, which indicates that they describe life-stage specific sensitivity variables in the early life analysis.

Variable Dictionary

Variable Description
algae6200_person_id An anonymised or pseudonymised identifier which represents a study member. ALGAE uses this variable to link data together for a given study member.
algae6201_life_stage The name of a life stage. For example, "T1" may be the name of the Trimester 1 life stage.
algae6202_contention_days Total number of contention days in the given life stage.
algae6203_distinct_addr The total number of distinct addresses that a study member occupied during a given life stage.
algae6204_moves The total number of moves a study member made during a given life stage. days.