ALGAE Testing Part 6: All Other Features

An automated protocol for assigning early life exposures to longitudinal cohort studies

Testing Part 6: All Other Features

by Kevin Garwood

Testing Overview Previous

Once we have tested all the areas, we are left with deciding on how or whether we will cover the remaining feature areas. Because of limited development resources, we decided not to test two features:
  • covariate variables that are recorded on the first day of each life stage
  • covariate variables that are recorded on the first day of an address period

The other test areas should show that on any given day of an exposure time frame, the protocol should choose the correct geocode of wherever a study member is living. Capturing the covariates only involves copying the ed91, oa2001 and coa2011 variables for that geocode from the staging_geocode_data table. The operation seems simple enough to be an unlikely source of errors. However, this remains speculation until more tests are developed.


The following diagram shows that we are ignoring features in the early_cov and early_moves_cov results.